“Therefore, go make all the disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28-19-20 NLT
He is not dead he has risen! Amen. Happy Resurrection Sunday to you, to believers welcome and non believers I hope that changes after today. The life and death of Christ is an inspirational one. HE was perfect and human at the same time. Gentle and kind says the Bible and LOVED us all as we are. That alone should make you praise him! But there was more to Christ. He was a warrior for he fought the battle of sharing the word of GOD with non believers, which cost HIM his life. My Lord healed the sick and prayed with the poor. When Jesus the Christ walked the earth his mission was for others to know GOD and for their souls to be saved forever! After the Lord resurrected early Sunday morning, he left a message with the disciples before descending into heaven. The message was to continue the good fight! Go preach the good word so that others can be saved. On this resurrection Sunday I want to challenge us with the question, how have you allowed Christ LOVE to be seen in your life? Have you continued the good fight so that others may be saved?
In Matthew it chronicles for the first time up to the death of Christ and what we learn several things. One, Jesus death had been prophesied, so the Lord knew it was coming. When Jesus stands before his trial Roman governor Pilate asked Jesus “Are you the King of the Jews?” HE answered “Yes, it is as you say”! Matthew 27:11 NLT Although Christ knew his death would come from that statement alone he did not allow his fear keep him from his truth that ultimately cost him his life. At what cost will you tell your truth? It may not be a physical death, but one of the Spirit. Too often we go into the world afraid to say “Yes, I do believe in the Lord”. I myself have become so tolerant of other Faiths I forget to champion my own! No more! As Christ died and rose on the third day he did not come back as body but of the Holy Spirit. He had a rebirth! Let the LOVE of Christ push you to the next level of your ministry and purpose on earth.
What other lesson we learn from the death on the cross was that it was unjust. See, Barabbas was the criminal, not Jesus. There was so much hatred in the hearts of the people they still shouted “crucify him”! And the Lord did nothing wrong! How many times do you feel helpless, picked on or unjustly accused? It almost feels like a death. The LOVE of Christ can heal you. For his death is not just one of pain, but of his LOVE, forgiveness, and for our freedom to do both! Get to know him today and you too can experience this new freedom. No matter how much people crucify you, the LOVE of Christ can heal you and create in you a new clean heart!
Do not let the resurrection of Christ to be in vain. Go forward disciples and speak the good word. Encourage those who do not know him to have a relationship with him, for them to join with Christ through body and spirit with baptism. For Christ is alive through all of us who believe! The world needs to see Christ through his followers. Let the resurrection of Christ to rise up in us! Let the Lord our GOD rise up in our lives. The bible says, “Put into action GOD’s saving work in your lives.” ~Philippians 2:12 Jesus died and rose for us to be saved! The action for us is to allow his grace and mercy to be seen in our lives daily. And know that as you go forward on your journey the Lord is with you always, even to the end of the age.