What is your current life situation? New job, or just laid off? Are you like millions of folks still looking for work? Did you just move to a new city? Or are you planning to relocate? Transitions are apart of life. In order for us to have a smooth transition it is important to have a plan. Three years ago I moved to the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia area)from Oklahoma City. Being a big dreamer I needed to relocate to a place where my dreams could manifest. Leaving the comfort of my home was a very emotional transition for me. I cried half of the drive up to Northern Virginia. My twin sis and I drove 19hrs so I could accomplish my goals.
Being overwhelmed can lead to stress. I would not eat all day. The most traumatic of all was me losing my vision. I remember telling my brother I no longer see the beauty in the trees. I lost sight of why I moved in the first place. Overwhelmed the devil was able to steal my joy and almost my mission. All I wanted to do was to go back home to Oklahoma. While opening up about my fears and stress, my vision became clearer and clearer to me. I remembered my goals and focused on my plan.
A plan is simply goals that you have for yourself to help get you to the next level of your life. When we feel overwhelmed it is best to have a plan. Scriptures say blessed are the ones who are prepared. Having a plan is preparation. It is having the tools to deal with life setbacks because they will come. Here are five ways to help you deal with being overwhelmed.
1. Write It Down
In 1999 I was living with my father at the time. My dad relapsed on drugs and stole from me, 700 plus dollars. I was so overwhelmed I became sick. Throwing up and gaging every single day! I remember watching Oprah and she said to write down how we feel to help deal with depression. I have been journaling from that point on. I discovered my LOVE of writing in the process.
When writing in a journal it is important to write down what it is you feel. Put words to emotions because that helps fight depression. When we can not say how we feel it makes us feel low. So write it down, see what it is that is really bothering you. In your journal express your ideas that you have for your job, starting a new job or simply what to do around the house. When you wake up write down what you dreamed. I have a separate journal just for my dreams. I believe there are many ways that GOD speaks to us. Dreams are one of them. Label emotions like fear and confusion at the moment you feel it so you can figure out what it is that is bothering you.
2. Take Time For Self
Last week a friend of mine wrote on twitter that she went to the mountains to think and clear her head. Being out in nature is a perfect way to reconnect with yourself. As a teacher I am drained most days. I give 100% daily to my students and it takes it's toll on me. On my lunch break I sit outside under a shade tree. I listen to music on my MP3 player, read, lay on my blanket and think. My co-workers say I look so peaceful. I tell them you can have this peace too! Find a place where you can go and be alone. Make a sacred place in your home. Go there to pray, meditate, write, or just to think. There is no excuse! When you become your first priority, that is when you become everyone else's as well.
3. Seek Help
If you feel after writing, praying, talking to family and close friends that you still remain overwhelmed seek professional help. Seek a minister in the church who gives counseling. An elder person who has been through what you have been through for guidance. I prefer a professional counselor. I sought free counseling while in college that was provided by my University. Currently I get four free counseling sessions at my employer. Look to see if counseling is provided by your job. It is confidential so no one will know if you decide to go.
4. Follow Through
Do not promise yourself something and don't do it! Every time you break a promise with yourself your self-esteem is lowered. Stop neglecting yourself! No more putting off for tomorrow what you can do today. Make a plan and stick to it!
5. Allow Mistakes
Apart of the journey is failure. Breath! Give yourself a chance to grow and learn. Do not stay in a space of helplessness. Figure out what went wrong and move on!
Be Careful Who You Tell Your Dreams!
Having a new idea is exciting. When GOD gives us a vision it is natural to want to share with others what that vision is. The bible warns us of this! There are people who thrive on negativity. That is their choice, but it does not have to be yours! Hearing what we can't do is overwhelming. I can count on one hand how many people supported me moving to the DMV. I heard how high the rent is and it will be tough to meet people. I was constantly reminded of my fears. It all came from telling too many people my dreams. Eventually I shut up and began to prepare in silence. I only told those my vision who could help me! The devil is a lie! Know that GOD gave YOU a vision which means others may not see it. That's ok because the vision is yours and yours alone! Be encouraged as you go forward. Pray with me as I pray with you!
*tear* This was so powerful girl!!! Everything you listed is so true!! Especially the last one "Be Carefeul Who You Tell Your Dreams!" Wow, that is a mouthful write there. I had to learn about that the hard way!!! My passion has always been writing. After I completed all my "reasonable" goals I decided to pursue my writing career. Some people do not see how I can make a living off of writing. So I stopped telling people about it. I know I do not want to work for someone else the rest of my life so I have to use the talents I was blessed with and make a living off of that. So my biggest goal is to be able to live a sustainable life off my writing by the time I am 30. I just can not work for someone the rest of my life (I have a blog about that coming up soon :-)
ReplyDeleteOnce again, excellent post
Thanks Stacy. It is so tough having a dream and it not be supported. I had to learn to give what I needed to myself. You can be a writer and be successful. I had to relocate to out myself in position. In Oklahoma no one even knew what a life coach is. Some don't know in DC either, but they never say I can't do it. In Oklahoma I was always asked how was I going to do it. And reminded of how I would fail. It's was emotional hell for me. I think that is great you are pursuing your dreams sis. I support you 100%!!! I am a teacher because it gives my stabilty while I pursue other goals. I will always teach just not in the classroom. So I embrace all my gifts now. We have to nuture our gifts by protecting them.
ReplyDeleteRelocate to *PUT myself...