What you release in the Fall will be replaced by something better in the Spring ~ Iyanla Vanzant
Change, change, and more change has been my theme for the past several months. I have lost weight, changed classrooms at my school, bought new furniture for my home, and had major surgery. My intentions daily are to live a life that is filled with purpose and meaning. To have a purpose filled life some type of transformation has to happen. I’m a fixed Scorpio, which means I will go through a million transformations in my lifetime fighting each one along the way. I LOVE change, just when it is the change I can control. That is why the lesson to release is very powerful not only for you, but for me as well.
What is it that you are afraid to let go of? Is it that relationship that bares no fruit? Is it that dead end job that you complain about everyday to anyone who will listen? This fall allow yourself to release the things that hinder you as freely as leaves fall from the trees. Brown leaves do not hold on for dear life pleading with Mother Nature to allow more time. I only can imagine that the leaves understand their place in the universe and do not get in their own way. Pain from the past, I challenge you to let it go. Guilt trips, feeling ashamed of your body image, putting other people on a pedestal and clinging onto old ways of thinking and being; LET IT GO!
Let go of old clothes. Yes, ladies that shirt that is pushed to the back of the closet let that go! There is a rule that if you have not touched it in a year then you don’t need it! Shoes you have not worn three trends ago give away. I started going to the Salvation Army back in 2005. I went so much I would get a regular call every month asking if I had a package for them to pick up. In life I believe everything happens in a circle or the cycle of life, what you put out comes back to you. This is also called the Law of Abundance. That is why I can put on an outfit for two months and never wear the same thing twice! Give and it shall be given to you says the Lord. Donate your time to your worship center, volunteer, give tithe or offering to your church. Make this season meaningful by living fully in the Law of Abundance. Be the very thing you want in your life. The law of abundance is to know that what you have right now is enough. Let go of the idea of lack. Transform into a new way of thinking and being allowing the Divine power of GOD to work through your life! For when the Spring comes will be proof of what you planted in the fall.