Happy 2012! My first blog entry this year, welcome back to my blogosphere. I have not updated my blog in awhile and for that I apologize. Can you believe it is already March? Wow, we are in the third month of this New Year, so we need to catch up.
As a kid I always made New Year resolutions religiously, didn’t you? I stopped making Resolutions years ago because I rarely kept them. Not sure why I never kept them, my guess was because they usually were superficial. Now I just make my goals for the entire year. I have small goals that are: studying, reading new books, spending more time with people who LOVE me, joining organizations, and learning to cook healthy foods. Then larger goals: Going back to school, take a vacation out of the country, take care of heath, and save more money. Having goals keeps me aligned with my purpose. Utilizing our time wisely on earth helps us feel better about
ourselves and that spirit blesses society as a whole.
The key to making goals is not to overwhelm, but to keep on task. This year I have enrolled in school. I am currently in my first semester and I have already had some tough lessons. One of my lessons has been to never take a fast track online class again. The reason I am back in school there are classes I need to fulfill my teacher certification requirement. My journey back to school will be tough but I am encouraged. I am on a mission!
The goal for my blog is to continue giving light and positivity. Everywhere we turn bad news haunts us from the news, magazines or drama at the job. At times it appears we can’t escape negativity. My mission in my life is no matter where I am I want to spread light in dark places. I will use the Holy Spirit to guide as I follow my heart and speak what I believe the Lord wants me to say and more importantly to do. My heart desire is for readers of my blog to feel a connection to GOD when they leave this space. GOD speaks in many ways and my goal is to share whatever I feel that is with you!
So what have you been up to so far? Any goals for the New Year or do you make New Year resolutions? Please connect with me and let me know how life has been for you so far in 2012. Blessings!