Friday, May 4, 2012


The Victim or the creator~Deepak Chopra

Watching Deepak Chopra on Oprah I was taken back by the quote "be the victim or the creator". That one line set me free, I instant received what GOD was telling me. You can allow the disappointments of life to depress you, taking you to your lowest point. You know the place of bitterness, jealousy and not letting go of the past. Or become creative and be the author of your LOVE story. While it may seem difficult at times to create the life we want, it is our divine birth right to do so.

When I think of creating I instantly think of a painter. I see a lot of colors, nice size brushes, and a big mess! My vision of creating allows me to be free and to face the world with bright colors and big strokes of courage! As I write to you I am aligning myself with the life my heart desires, with what I believe is my GOD given purpose. I am creating a masterpiece that is who I AM. It is who you are too! Your life is a masterpiece, high priced, valuable, a beauty to behold.

Victimization is a disease. It is a sickness that we all must be healed from. You are not your past. Repeat to yourself "I AM not my past". Say this to yourself as many times as needed throughout the day. Allow these words to heal you. Free yourself of what happened when you were five. Forgive yourself for being in a relationship with a man you know wasn't the best choice for you. What ever is keeping you from your divine calling, face it! Address the issue (s). Go to counseling, talk with someone in your worship place, a friend, and write your feelings down in a journal. Find creative ways for you to heal by doing things you enjoy. GOD did not promise us a life free of pain, but the tools to navigate through it.

As creators we have authority over our lives. Our GOD in heaven grants us permission to heal ourselves, speak life into death situations, and simply have faith it will work out. I will blog about "creating" for the month of May because I have been studying this subject for a while now. The insight I gain I want to share with you. What I come to understand so far in my 34 years of living on this planet is as we FEEL we create. The cycle is what we feel then becomes a thought, and then a thought an action! Examine your heart. Look deep within. Are you creating the life you want or living the life others said was best for you? Are you enslaved by your fears and self inflicted wombs that you stubbornly refuse to get right within? Feel your pain, disappointments, joy, and peace. This will maximize your life and lead you in the direction you are longing to go. No longer living as a victim, free to create the life your heart truly desires.


  1. WOW!!!! Great post! It's sometimes hard to think or believe that we are the creators of our life and that we truly can create the life we have always wanted. I struggle with this often, feeling like it's too late or it won't happen for me. Thanks for sharing this, I am challenging myself and this moment to go forth and do that which is on my heart to accomplish!

  2. GOD bless you sis! It is not too late and I am so grateful to be about to support you on your journey. For me the expectation have been so high that it has stopped the creative flow. I wanted my life to be what I thought was expected at my age. So we on this journey together! You will meet your challenge sis. Thank you for your support!
