Monday, November 26, 2012

Music Mondays: Faith Evans - O Come All The Faithful

Feliz Navidad! Ha, Happy Holiday season to you. Yes, I know we just finished celebrating Thanksgiving; I bet you probably are still finding how many ways you can eat turkey left over’s. You know: turkey salad, turkey soap, turkey sandwich, turkey, turkey, turkey! I have moved on from Thanksgiving wanting to create my own Christmas spirit. Like some of you I live alone, far away from close family. Being away from home can be tough during the holiday season making it that much harder to be in the Holiday spirit. So my mission this year is to create the joy of Christmas by posting a Christmas song every week until the week of Christmas. Please feel free to add a song for me to add to the blog. Is Christmas your favorite holiday too? What special holidays do you celebrate in your home?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Capacity for sexual feelings or sexual activity is one of many definitions to describe sexuality. What better way to end Scorpio Season (Happy Birthday fellow Scorps) then to talk about sexuality? To me sexuality simply means being fully aware of our sensual selves. Sexuality is having an innate sense of sexual energy that is natural as breathing. Sexual activity speaks for itself. When having sex our sexuality is heightened in the act making us feel connected to our erotic natures. What I want to highlight is that there is a misconception that having sex makes you a vixen and in touch with your sexuality. Far from the truth! While being sexually active heightens one’s sexuality, the act itself does not give you automatic sex appeal. You have to feel connected to your sexual self before having sex. For those who have had sexual intercourse at an uncertain time in their lives spoke of having “bad” sex. “Bad” sex is a matter of perspective, but not enjoying exchange of being with your partner due to insecurities and fears is not sexy! Many people take their insecurities with them into the bedroom. Releasing our fears, body image concerns, guilt, and shame frees up inner tension and inhibitions that we have making sex that much greater.

I remember the day I began to feel connected to my sexual energy. Being a virgin people are still taken aback by this; my simple answer is sexuality is within. See, I am a Scorpio woman. Sex is like breathing to me and a sacred act, hence why I am waiting for my divine mate to join me before having sex. Connecting to our sexual energy is different for each of us, for me it meant being soft and feminine. I take long bubble baths with candles, music and afterwards I put on scented lotion and perfume. That makes me feel in touch with my goddess energy. Not by having sex, but seduction, setting the mood. Knowing this I am ready for sex because I am no longer afraid to admit to taboos or express my sexual nature.

Sex is a choice. When we are emotionally mature enough to handle the good, bad, and ugly of sex, I believe we are ready to engage in the act. The pressure to have sex is not just among teenagers, but adults too! We have to embrace our lives on this journey called life and know it will not look like anyone else’s. If your life looks like someone else you may not be on your chosen path! Sexuality is creativity in pure form. Raw energy not tainted by imagery, our own opinions or the opinions of others, but unleashing whatever you feel inside! Getting past our own misconceptions about sexuality helps us to create a better reality for ourselves. We do not have to live within the limitations that are placed on us from society or what we place on ourselves. Accept those whose sexual expression is different from yours. Go deep, release hidden fears, and live life responsibly as the sexual human being you are!

*PS Emotional trauma due to sexual abuse is a serious issue. If you have been a victim of sexual abuse and it is holding you back from your best self get professional help.