I began my weight loss journey several months ago. My energy level was high when I first began. I worked out regularly, ate healthy and began working towards getting to bed on time. Then I hit a dead spot. I felt drained often. I had intense cravings for sweets and fried foods. My energy went from my personal health to what I am not doing right, my to-do list, and why I'm not able to get any rest at night. Goals I made for school did not go through. I felt the pressures of advancing my career and then the added pressure from my current career. Always feeling tired I knew something had to give. I had to focus on where I was channeling my energy.
As the seasons changed I noticed I did as well. Being self-aware I noticed I did not feel my normal energetic, positive self. Then the guilt set in. Then anxiety set in. All energy zappers! I began to crave sweets and I put off working out for one week that eventually ended up being almost a month. Exercise and diet are factors in having a well balanced life. Stop fighting the universe and align with it! The Law of attraction states that we will receive abundant living when we practice abundant living. In short, you get back what you put out. It is that simple. If you want a great body and healthy skin what are you doing to receive that? How much time do you invest in your personal well being? Where are you channeling your energy?
Your beliefs form your reality. You do not like your reality? Change your beliefs. To help shape my beliefs I placed affirmations on my mirror in my bathroom. Every time I look in the mirror I will be reminded of my personal truth. Do you have a favorite quote or an affirmation that helps you when you are not feeling your best? Post that on your mirror, door, wall, or refrigerator, whatever you know you will look at throughout the day. Our mind is a very powerful energy source for the bible says in Proverbs 23:7 (NASV) For as he thinks within himself, so he is.
Our spiritual well being helps us get through low energy times. An active prayer life and just making time for relaxation helps to renew the spirit and give us new found energy. I have gotten back in the word like I did several years ago as I was searching for my personal truth. I now study the word to nurture my soul. The life principles in the Bible give me insight on how to live my life day to day. I put my energy in being a child of GOD, a Christian whose life is a reflection of Christ's LOVE. Instead of always striving to be perfect, I have found peace with just being me. My focus has shifted from always being about my future to living each moment fulfilled day to day. I will continue to put my energy into activities I enjoy and will energize me. I will not go to places or spend time with people who zap my energy. When I want to stay home and rest on the weekends I honor that. Set your intentions to practice better habits of meditation, prayer, tasty healthy meals, getting rest and a desire to exercise. For what you put your energy into will manifest in your life!
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