Sunday, February 14, 2010

Color of LOVE

As a little girl red was my favorite color. My grandmother would buy me a red colored outfit and my twin sister a blue colored outfit. I don't know if that had anything to do with why red is my favorite color, but I always loved the color red. I stumbled across a color personality test that asked what color describes you? I though it would be an exciting quiz so I took it. I found out that by having red as my favorite color I was a passionate person who has deep LOVES (meaning I can get crazy lol). I thought wow all that just from a color?

The color red according to wikipedia is a color associated with bravery, purity, happiness, good luck, heat/fire, energy, and blood. The emotional words connected with the color red is anger, passion, LOVE, pain, and sacrifice. In nature astrologers call the planet Mars Red Planet due to its reddish color. If you are a big astrology person like myself you know that Scorpio (which is my sun sign)and Aries are represented by planet Mars. These two signs are called the passion signs. Aries are seen as aggressive and quick to get angry and Scorpios are passionate in nature and has a tendency to LOVE too deeply and become jealous. Red can be seen as a dark color in nature that people like myself can relate to.

I am naturally a passionate person. I LOVE 365 a year. There was a time I felt guilty about having this type of personality. Yes, I was told I am too nice because I wear my heart on my sleeve! Instead of just saying I LOVE someone I showed them. Very intense I always felt the need to speak my truth with LOVE. So it makes sense that red is my favorite color because I believe it describes me very well.

Today is Valentines Day and this is the day we are to celebrate LOVE. When the valentine season comes everywhere you look you see the color red representing flowers, the cover of heart shaped chocolate box, and pro-flowers is even adding a beautiful red vase with their flowers this year for Valentines day. So it is clear that today is the day we celebrate the color of LOVE. Showing LOVE is not limited to just a romantic partner. It is showing LOVE for your parents. Your brothers and sisters. Your true friends. Also a stranger for LOVE means to show compassion! Today express LOVE at its highest power for in the Bible it says in Mark 12:29-31 The most important commandment is this:'Hear, O Israel! The Lord our GOD is the one and only Lord. And you must LOVE the Lord your GOD with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength'. The second is equally important: 'LOVE your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these. As people are going out spending time with their mates you don't have to feel alone if you are single. Call that Aunt or cousin you have not heard from in a while. Take yourself out for the day. Call your friends and go out tonight! Most important know that LOVE is 365 not just one day a year.

So how will you show LOVE today? And what do you think your favorite color says about you?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Personality Traits

OK, so the snow storm has shut most things down in the DC area (I don't have to go back to work until next week)but life does go on! Waking up this morning I was greeted by this blog on yahoo. The blogger wrote about 6 Personality Traits to Admire and Acquire and it got me to thinking. In the day of high divorce rates and people who no longer value long term relationships, I believe knowing what you want and having the courage to become a better person will help relationships. If everyone thought about what exactly is exciting about their personalty and then have the courage to change what they do not like about themselves I believe the divorce rate would be much lower. Yes, there are a group of people who rather be in a toxic relationships than have the courage to be with someone who you actually might like. Just sayin'...

So I started thinking about my own personality, what do I like about me. I like that I am a genuine person. I keep it REAL baby! Don't ask me anything unless you want the REAL answer to the question. I thank GOD that I have a conscience heart and I believe my purpose on earth is to relate truth to his people. So that means at times I do not have a popular opinion, but I have the courage to speak up when we live in a time when people need to be liked so they shut up! What I want to improve about myself is to value myself for who I am and not what I do. I am VERY goal oriented and if you are anything like me you may understand that at times we value ourselves with our achievement rather than who we are as individuals. This is something that I am working on within myself.

I then began to ask what do I like to see in a others. I believe the personality trait that I admire but do not see enough of is compassion. I know everyone appears to be compassionate when we talk about giving to causes like for example giving to Haiti after the earthquake. But what about your own neighbor that you see everyday? If your brother or sister is suffering why not lend an ear and a open heart? And that is free! I read in the news that a mildly mentally disable teenage girl was raped in DAY LIGHT! Cars drove by and NO ONE helped her! JESUS!!! NO ONE! There was one person who was nice enough to call 911, but did not get out the car to help!

So think about it, what really makes you excited when you think about someone? I am not talking about being impressed, but inspired! When we think about personality traits in others, what do we look at when it comes to personal relationships? Here is my list that would inspire me to want to be with someone for the long haul.

1. Compassion- I touched on it before but I wanted to highlight this again. This quality is a virtue. This quality can be seen as a feminine trait and most men do not embrace this quality in the lives. This is what makes having compassion such a rare quality for men and why it would make a man speacial to me if he possessed this quality.

2. Humility- I have to admit I love men who are confident. I mean the type of confidence where you would hate him after a conversation lol. But what makes this person so attractive to me is being able to balance out confidence with humility. Yes, you can be confident and humble too! This is so rare because it takes maturity to get to this level. There is something irresistible about a man who knows he is hot but seems to not be aware of it.

3. Knowing who you are- This is different from confidence. Being confidant is more from the ego and satisfies the self. But knowing who you are satisfies the Self or the soul. Let me explain. I have been studying love and spirituality for several months now. I have just finish reading The Path to Love by Deepak Chopra. In the book the Aurthur breaks down ego vs. Self. The self vs. Self. The self which is ego loves to be praised and people to like him/her. That's not rare, most people are this way. But Self is not ego it is the spirit within that loves himself/herself without any co-signs from anyone else. That is what satisfies the soul and makes you whole person. Embracing the good and bad about who you are and not caring what others think. Again this is rare and that is what makes this an attractive quality to have.

I long to be around someone who I would like to be around not just love. Just think about the people who are not happy in relationships. Could it be we do not even like the people we say we love? This happens more than we like to admit! So what is that rare personality trait you crave in a mate? Also what personality trait would you like to possess more of?


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Success is a Journey not a Destination!

There is a blizzard outside my window as I type, LOL. I am thankful that I am safe and sound inside my home. I live in Northern Virginia, right out side of the nations capital Washington DC. My passion to live a successful life led me to the area in August of 2007. Born in Oakland California and raised in Oklahoma City, I am truly a country girl at heart with city dreams! My journey to where I am now has not been an easy one. I will use this blog to tell you about my past, present and what I want for the future. My mission is to take you along with me. As I stubble along life lessons I hope to share them with you. My prayer would be that we can inspire and support each others growth as we go on our personal journey through life together.

Oh yea, the snow! I am living history in DC! This has been the highest total of snow in DC history at 56 inches! I have not been to work in four days being I am a teacher schools have been closed. So while I have been home I have been relaxing. I have caught up on some of my favorite things to do like take a long bath, listen to music and read some new books I just purchased. I have also been journaling like a crazy person. So much is on my mind so I find myself being creative, which inspired me to start this blog. It looks like I will be snowed in for a few more days. I will keep you posted.

Finding the best out of the worst situations to me is the key to success! What we can't control should not take too much of our time or energy. If we are to be successful we need to keep in mind our purpose, our mission, and our goals. That is what I plan to do with this blog.

So I ask where are you on your journey? And if you are in the areas where the snow has hit, how have you made the best of it?
