As a little girl red was my favorite color. My grandmother would buy me a red colored outfit and my twin sister a blue colored outfit. I don't know if that had anything to do with why red is my favorite color, but I always loved the color red. I stumbled across a color personality test that asked what color describes you? I though it would be an exciting quiz so I took it. I found out that by having red as my favorite color I was a passionate person who has deep LOVES (meaning I can get crazy lol). I thought wow all that just from a color?
The color red according to wikipedia is a color associated with bravery, purity, happiness, good luck, heat/fire, energy, and blood. The emotional words connected with the color red is anger, passion, LOVE, pain, and sacrifice. In nature astrologers call the planet Mars Red Planet due to its reddish color. If you are a big astrology person like myself you know that Scorpio (which is my sun sign)and Aries are represented by planet Mars. These two signs are called the passion signs. Aries are seen as aggressive and quick to get angry and Scorpios are passionate in nature and has a tendency to LOVE too deeply and become jealous. Red can be seen as a dark color in nature that people like myself can relate to.
I am naturally a passionate person. I LOVE 365 a year. There was a time I felt guilty about having this type of personality. Yes, I was told I am too nice because I wear my heart on my sleeve! Instead of just saying I LOVE someone I showed them. Very intense I always felt the need to speak my truth with LOVE. So it makes sense that red is my favorite color because I believe it describes me very well.
Today is Valentines Day and this is the day we are to celebrate LOVE. When the valentine season comes everywhere you look you see the color red representing flowers, the cover of heart shaped chocolate box, and pro-flowers is even adding a beautiful red vase with their flowers this year for Valentines day. So it is clear that today is the day we celebrate the color of LOVE. Showing LOVE is not limited to just a romantic partner. It is showing LOVE for your parents. Your brothers and sisters. Your true friends. Also a stranger for LOVE means to show compassion! Today express LOVE at its highest power for in the Bible it says in Mark 12:29-31 The most important commandment is this:'Hear, O Israel! The Lord our GOD is the one and only Lord. And you must LOVE the Lord your GOD with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength'. The second is equally important: 'LOVE your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these. As people are going out spending time with their mates you don't have to feel alone if you are single. Call that Aunt or cousin you have not heard from in a while. Take yourself out for the day. Call your friends and go out tonight! Most important know that LOVE is 365 not just one day a year.
So how will you show LOVE today? And what do you think your favorite color says about you?