"We teach what we need to learn the most"~Oprah. As I watched the Oprah show when she made that statement I did not know how to receive it at first. I want to know what you think as well. Do we teach what we need to learn or do we teach what we already mastered within ourselves? I believe it is both. On one hand as we go through life and learn things along the way, we then share what we have learned or still learning with the rest of the world.
As a teacher I believe learning goes beyond the four walls in a classroom. And to teach is more than breaking down math to a class full of students. My theory is the world is a classroom. I am inspired to teach by different things I have been through and what I believe will help others. Even if what I teach is not received it is ok. It is ok because it came from my heart and for whoever it was for will get it, and for those that it was not meant for won't.
If it is believed that learning never stops, then that goes for teaching as well. As I write to you I am teaching myself. The things that GOD would have for me to master, I am sharing with you. I am not greater, smarter or more important than you. My mission when I teach is for us to understand that the work we require of others we have to first demand it of ourselves. Because what we teach is not always what we say or write, but how we live our lives. My passion as a teacher is to overcome the things I do not like about myself so I can be the person GOD has called me to be. That is my prayer for you as well.
So if Oprah's theory is correct and we teach what we need to learn the most than I am teaching joy, happiness, peace, tolerance and the freedom to be who I am with judging myself! What I also know is I teach what I have mastered. With hard work and Faith I am becoming more like Christ as I release the desire to be perfect and to be free! My prayer is that my life reflects that as well.
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