Winter brings thirty degree weather, snow every other week, and shorter days with longer nights. That gives us all the reason to not want to go outside. Some do not even want to get out of bed. The winter can be a depressing time of year. It can be a lonely time as we sit in our homes in isolation from the world. According to Dr. Michael Bernard he says the winter season calls for "introspective time", as we sit indoors we need to use this to our advantage. Instead of feeling the "winter blues" embrace the moment and listen to what Spirit wants from you in this season.
I have learned to listen to Spirit. It is the knowing within that soothes when you feel uncertain. In the moment I am afraid to speak up my Spirit says speak your truth. I would not know what that truth is without introspection. I am one of those few folks who actually enjoy being home on Saturday evenings alone. Spending time alone is a great way for us to have a deeper connection to who we are. What it is our soul yearns for will be clear when you sit and listen. For the bible speaks about listening for understanding. Mark 4:9 says: "Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand." We have to train our hearts and mind to listen not just for answers but also understanding. Understanding of what GOD is saying to you, now, in the moment.
Through introspection I have learned that during this winter season I feel low. It is easy for me to cancel plans and just decide to stay home. I can't seem to get enough sleep and all I crave are sweets. Striving to lose weight, craving sweets and not being motivated to work out is not a feeling anyone wants to have. Through prayer and meditation I have learned to be kind to myself. To give myself what I want and move on! If my body says I want a day off from a work out? Ok, done. When I crave sweets instead of beating myself up like I did in the past I go and get what I want. Is it every day? NO, of course not, but taking the time to listen to my body I treat it good. When it needs a boost of energy I have a great workout. That's my sign I made the right choice. Last week I pushed myself to work out when I was tired and I had to sit down because my head started to spin. My lesson was not to just listen, but understand that I am not a machine.
Seasonal Affective Disorder also known as SAD is a disorder diagnosed in people who feel depressed during the winter season. It is said to start around the end of fall and last until the spring. Symptoms of this disorder are lack of energy, increase need for sleep, craving sweets, and weight gain. Research shows that this pattern begins in the fall and peak during the winter. By the spring mild symptoms will go away. Servere symptoms are depression where there is a lack of motivation to get out of the bed. When SAD is at its worst people have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. About 70-80% of SAD victims are women, and in most cases in their thirties.
If any of those systems describes how you feel this winter then seek help. In mild cases you can do introspection by meditation and prayer. I started a candle lighting prayer and meditation for myself this winter. All the lights are out in my apartment and the only light is glowing from one candle. That helps me to get my heart, mind and spirit on one accord. It also slows my body and mind down so I can try to get a good rest. To help me wake up I am going to begin to use a bright light by my bed to give me the boost I need for the day. You can read books on subjects that are related to your symptoms. To be empowered is to be informed! Use this winter season to be self aware. Instead of running from the dark, go towards it. What is it you fear? Confess what you feel and watch your life begin to heal. What are your dreams? What does your heart desire? Write down your revelations about yourself and your new outlook on the world.
In severe cases (mild if you feel the need) see a Dr. Describe your symptoms so you can get help. There are different types of therapies and know you are not alone! Get a counselor and tell them what you have noticed about yourself sense the seasons have changed. Being depressed, feeling low, or simply feeling hopeless does not have to take over your life! Strive to find joy in your darkest hour. Of course everyone wants it to be spring because most of us can not deal with life when it gets dark. We want the success that comes with coming out of the dark, but not the heart ache and pain it takes to go through it! Know my brothers and sisters that what we invest ourselves in during the winter will manifest in the spring!
So glad you wrote about depression and the blues. I've suffered from depression, and it definitely does get worse during the winter seasons.
ReplyDeleteThank you sis! This is a very tough subject for most people to deal with. I believe we all go through low moments but its how we come out that define our character! I wanted to talk about the dark side of life sense everything is always happy go lucky lol. Thank you for stopping by:)