2001 was the year I transferred to a University from a Junior College. I was 23 years old and my dorm mate was 18 years. Feeling alone and out of place was constant. Not to even mention the issues from my past that I had not dealt with. I had a dream of moving to a big city from my small town of Oklahoma City. I was a Elementary Ed major with a dream to become an Educator. I knew that my life was called for greatness, but at the time I was confused on how to get there. I then read these 6 strategies for success from Dr. Phil(below). I understood that what I wanted I had to see it first and then I would be it! I did not do all six at one time. I took baby steps and slowly but surely I found my way. Nine years later I am an Educator in Washington D.C. area. My vision has come to me and I see myself doing bigger things in the future. Thanks to Dr.Phil I have a blue print on success. Now you will too!!!
A concerned young women wrote Dr.Phil about how she wanted to be successful. She asked if Dr. Phil knew of any role models to help her define success and he told her no. His insightful answer was a role model is personal, so I can't tell you who a role model would be for you. What I can do is share with you traits and characteristics I've observed in the life of those who had succeeded.
How to be a success, whatever that might mean for you. By Phillip C. McGraw, PhD
1. Specific goals: These winners could describe exactly what constituted success for them. They visualized when and where their success would happen and how it would feel.
2. Strategy: They didn't flounder about, trying first one thing and then another. They had well thought out step-by-step strategies for attaining success.
3. Action: They knew their goal, made a plan, and pulled the trigger. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. These people took action.
4. Self-management: They took care of themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. They refused to be dragged down by themselves or others.
5. Passion: They were excited about their goals-pumped and committed 24-7. They couldn't wait to jump out of bed in the morning and talk about, think about, and work on their goals.
6. Support: I've never encountered a true winner who was a lone ranger. These people bonded with others through their enthusiasm. They were surrounded by people who wanted them to win and who lived vicariously through their success.
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