Monday, May 30, 2011
Music Mondays:Kelly Price - I'm Sorry
Take this vow with me. Do not let another day go by that you put yourself last on your own list!! Honor who you are, and make peace with yourself today. Your heart will be grateful that you did. Enjoy the song with lyrics below.
I'm sorry that I'm leaving
I'm sorry that I stayed
I'm sorry that I ever let you treat me that way
And I'm sorry that I let a good man get away
But I accept my apology
I'm gonna do better by me
I wrote this song to say I forgive me
For the times I needed me
And every time I slacked
I'm sorry I gave him my love
And he didn't love me back
And I'm so sorry I gave him my heart
I want it back
But I accept my apology
I'm gonna do better by me
I wrote this song to say I forgive me
For the wasted time I know I'll never see again
For the drama and the lies that live inside my head
And for loving you (more) than I even love myself
And for every bridge I burned I know I can't return
But I accept my apology
I'm gonna do better by me
I wrote this song to say I forgive me
I wrote it to say that I love me
I wrote this song to say I forgive me
Thursday, May 26, 2011
What Is Your Belief
Belief is defined as the "confidence in truth". Our truths are personal convictions we have within. Our personal truths are our own mottos for how we live our lives day to day. Affirmations we speak confirm our personal truth and builds on our belief system in ourselves and the world we create around us. Without knowing our personal beliefs it is easy to become a victim. We have messages that tell us what we need to believe and reasons to doubt our worth. This is why it is very important to reflect on what it is that YOU believe in. Without an honest heart to heart with ourselves we will be further and further away from the life we were born to live. I discover personal truths every day. By doing this I try to strip away what society has said to me and listen to my heart. I pray and ask GOD to reveal His truth to me so I will not walk in the dark. The most important reason is so my walk in life lines up to what I believe in! Ask yourself these questions. What is my heart saying to me? What do I feel in my spirit? In our hearts we hear the voice of GOD. Everyone needs to fully assess themselves to see if our lives still reflect our beliefs. The Bible warns followers of Christ about living a life that is contrary to their beliefs. Have the courage to ask, is my life a reflection of what I believe? Wither we know it or not how we live our lives tells the world our beliefs. Our beliefs reflect how we view ourselves and the world. If we believe in a greater good, honor, respect, and above all this LOVE, our actions need to support this truth. Be careful because you could be living a life totally different to what you believe in. Be honest with yourself. Go to GOD in prayer. Ask the truth to be relieved to you. Know that what you believe in will manifest into your life. For what we think or believe, is what we are says the Lord. What is your belief?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Examine Your Heart
As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person Proverbs 27:19
Today I challenge you to examine your heart. What does your hearts reflection say about who you are as a person? Does it reflect compassion, honesty, LOVE, and trust? Or does it say confusion, anger, bitterness, jealousy, fear, neediness and hate? Before you answer meditate on this for a second. We must first exam our heart for the scriptures says it is a reflection of who we really are. There was a time in my life that my heart reflected pain, anger, fear, and judgment of myself and others. The wall between myself and my family forced me to exam my own heart. I was already considered a "good" person by anyone's standard. But in order for me to grow I had to have the courage to change the things inside my heart that did not reflect GOD.
The truth is if our hearts are dark our life will tell this truth. Our hearts will be reflected in not only how we treat others, but most importantly how we treat ourselves. The hurtful words, the lies, and breaking commitments with our self and others are a result of being disconnected within. Start today by nurturing your heart. Listen to what it says because it is a reflection of who you really are.
Do not allow past hurts and disappointments to keep you from your greater self. Have the courage to exam your heart daily. Understand we all are sinners saved by grace. No one is above hatred, murder, aggressive sex acts, adultery, and living a lie. NO ONE! When we fully exam our hearts we will seek truth and know that being "good" does not make our hearts pure, but seeking forgiveness does! Cleanse your heart so your life can be the reflection of LOVE that GOD called you to be.