When I read a great blog the other day the writer mentioned that he does not think most women are funny. He said it is a man trait. My first thought was he is sexist! Really. How is a man consider funnier just because, well he is a man? After getting past my initial hang up, I begin to agree. Yes, I know before I offend my sister friends let me explain.
After much consideration of me going back and forth with the idea that I am not funny, I finally decided that I am not. I do not think it is because I am a female. But because funny is not my gift. The same can be said about a man. Just because he has a penis does not automatically get him the funny card. There are men that are not funny as well. That is not a bad thing. It's just there personality.
My theory is this: it is not fair to expect someone to be who they are not. It would not be a true assessment to think everyone is funny because being funny is a gift. Yes, we all may have a sense of humor and say funny things at times. But being funny is a personality trait. Like being kind is.
How many times have you heard someone describe themselves as kind? Then you hang around them long enough to see that they are not as "kind" as they say they are. Well because most people do not take time to know who they are.
We have to do an honest evaluation and say to ourselves, you know what I am "kind" at times but would I say this is my strength or something I need to work on? Or is it something I feel I need to work on at all? Does everyone need to be kind ALL the time? I say no. If it does not feel natural to you, than do you! Respect others and understand that how you treat others will effect you in the long run.
I use my sister for an example often because she is my bestie. Have I mentioned she is my twin sis? Yes, and we are like night and day!! My sister is friendly, funny, free spirit, charismatic, outspoken. Me, I am a sweetheart, great sense of humor, free spirit, reserved, quiet, charming and charismatic.
Notice I said great sense of humor vs. funny? Also I said sweetheart vs. friendly. Yes, there is a difference. I laugh at everything. If you trip I will laugh before I ask are you OK. I will laugh at an off beat comment made by one of my students. I am not usually the one telling the jokes, I am laughing at them. Now my sister is funny. Stand up comedian funny. When she is around people she has them cracking up. They all say "your sister is so crazy". Think Adele Givens Def Comedy Jam or Queens of comedy. As for me, I am chillin in the crowd talking to everyone and laughing at my sisters stories and jokes. My sister and I have a ongoing joke when I spoke to her about my revelation. I said I am not funny but have funny times. She said you just said something funny. I give up! But really I can't take my show on the rode. She honestly can!
My sister was going to her nail tech for about a year before I started going to them years ago. My sister was so friendly, laughed and joked with everyone and my sister said they would tell her she was "so nice". When I went for the first time to the nail shop I listened to everyone in the nail shop stories from the nail techs to the customers about their lives. Instead of being the one actually telling the story. I hugged and kissed everyone on the way out and said thank you for the great job. My sister said they could not stop talking about me. How much they LOVED me and how I am the sweet one. My sister is friendly, but sweet she is not.
Is she a bad person? NO! Because she is being who GOD has called her to be. Herself! Am I saying she is not sweet at times, no! I am not the angel either. I have my moments when I don't feel like being bothered and I have learned to say no! I know who I am now and do not need to do extra stuff to get people to like me.
My point is that we all have our gifts. My pastor told me "If you do not use your gifts GOD will take them away". I believe that. Embrace your natural gifts so you can be a blessing to someone else. Sure everyone wants to be funny. But if it is not your gift than own up to it!! Find your strength and sore!
You know what?? I would have to agree that being "funny" isn't a woman thing... but I think its cause being funny, in my eyes at least, usually comes with saying something outlandish or over the top...And women are supposed to be the sweet and soft well mannered species...
ReplyDeleteBut I for one think that I am HILARIOUS... and people tell me all the time that I am so inappropriately funny... Perhaps I am a hermaphodite and haven't realized it yet... I'll try to give you an update if I ever find out... BTW... Nice post... And how did I even get to your post?? I have no idea but I'm sure it involved me internet stalking someone...
Heaven, I agree 100%! Because my sister could care less and says whatever she thinks. I always wonder if I am offending someone, so I see your point.
ReplyDeleteLOL @hermaphodite and stalking! I will be checking to see what the results are, ahaha. Thank you so much for stopping by sis. That means alot.