Have you ever taken the time to break down what it is you want? Not just what we want, but the root of what we want? Looking deeply at our wants helps us to see the REAL reason behind our motivations.
Being a Scorpio it is not tough for me to dig deep. Hell, I go deep on a regular basis. I thrive on finding out the secrets of life and using them as keys to get me to a better place in my life. I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with going deep. They are not in touch with their emotions. Digging deep is an emotional journey that takes time and patience. Being that you may not feel comfortable at first, or at second, but give it a few more tries and it will begin to feel normal.
Why dig deep you ask? Simple: Digging deep gets to the core of our hearts true desires. Our core desires allows us to see ourselves for who we REALLY are, not the image we want to give to the world.
Digging deep I found out several things about myself. I really LOVE mysticism. As a spiritual warrior I constantly seek new information for strength in my day to day life. I seek less traditional places than most. I seek hidden secrets from places like astrology, numerology and my latest Tarot readings. One of my readings was the Nine of Chalices card. The information on the card said that I need to be sure that what I am asking for it is really what I want. In other words "Be careful what you wish for". The card encouraged me to look deep. It also encouraged me to Break Down what it is I want so I can see the REAL reason behind it.
The card gave me an example to help me see what my true desires are. The example was: [Do I want] Outward beauty, or the comfort of being truly loved and appreciated? Whoa! I had to read that twice!!! I struggled being chubby my whole life. I always thought I was pretty. What made me question my beauty was when I met men who passed me over for the skinny girl. Now as a grown woman I carry that with me. I constantly say to myself "he will not date me I am fat". So I lose without even getting in the game! Yes, I want to feel better and look better, but if I am honest it is not 100% for me. My longing for true LOVE pushes me in a corner. Digging deep what I really long for is being LOVED for who I really am. Being smaller is a quick way to get a man's attention so that is where my energy has always been. But today I desire to be LOVED more than on a superficial level. I want to be LOVED deeply for who I am. My REAL desire is to be truly LOVED and appreciated, not just to be physically desirable to a man!
That goal starts with me seeking LOVE today as I am, not losing 20 more pounds and then dating. To wait until "I am ready" is saying I am not worthy of LOVE as I am now. Of course I am smart of enough to know this is not true, but my heart has a tougher time understanding this concept. My point is it is easy for us to get on a soap box and sound so intelligent, but at the end of the day we all want the same thing. We just want to be LOVED for who we are. If we are honest with ourselves we may find that we do things out of character to have it! For me it is my weight, for you it could be something totally different!
Deep down inside I long for connections. I have created a habit of keeping my distance. I was raised to trust few people and with a few bad experiences in life I have reasons to. I am now pushing fear aside and making the space in my heart for true LOVE to appear. I am not perfect and this is not in any way to make me or anyone else to feel guilty. This is a simple wakeup call if you will. This practice is to remind us we are human. We are fragile and weak. No matter how successful we are there are dark parts of our character that needs to be addressed. I am finally home! I am at a place in life where I can talk about my short comings and strive to get better inside and out. Knowing our true motivations can be liberating. Well, that's what it is for me! When I tell my truth I expose the enemy. He can no longer hold me in emotional bondage because speaking to the situation gives it light! We do not have to allow our souls to be in a dark place. Reveal your heart's desire by speaking your truth!