Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Masculine Power

Years ago I went on a date with a guy who I knew from high school. On our date he sat down next to me and placed his head in my chest near the square of my shoulder. The gesture made me uncomfortable because I realized the type of man I was dealing with. An emotionally needy one! There was no emotional connection between us and actually our very first date. To say his gesture turned me off would be an understatement.

On the ride home I heard about issues with all the women in his life including his ex-wife the mother of his children. When we arrived at my house I explained that I needed a leader, a man who balances me out, and who is not afraid to stand up to anyone he felt he needed to address. I further explained I sensed his need for my motherly LOVE but what he sought from me he had to fulfill within himself. His reply was no one had ever talked to him about balance and his needed inner strength. By him being raised by his mom he went on to say no one taught him how to be a man. My heart went out to him, but as I explained he is not the man my soul craves.

My inner need is for a masculine A-type male. There is nothing more attractive to me than a man who is comfortable being a man. Being a strong woman I would naturally respond to an A-type male because he would be the answer to my longing to be understood and supported. There would be no power struggles because he would have my respect. I need to feel protected and that he has everything under control. It would relieve me from the stress of always being the one who has to call the shots and get things done!

As soon as I am in the presence of a masculine man I swoon. You know the type of man who has no problem walking up to a woman and saying hello! A man with masculine power talks to his mom or baby mothers about any issues he has so there is no drama. My type of man! It is more than being confident; it is a quiet knowing I am fine as I am. The balance of feminine energy is the knowing and understanding of self. The feminine energy makes him want to solve more problems than create them. He is not threatened by the hug of a man or a child! A wise masculine man works towards balance.

According to Deepak Chopra in his book "Spiritual Strategies for Healing: The Path to LOVE" we ought to seek a partner who has the strengths we have not our weakness. We have been trained that finding the balance within a partnership has to be with someone who can give what we lack. Truth is when we view things from spirit we lack nothing! The danger then becomes a codependent relationship feeling that we are not whole without our mates. Deepak warns that the more dominate partner will cause the weaker partner to shrink. The desires of the weaker partner will no longer be realized and will cause resentment in the relationship, which is not healthy! If you have a high masculine in your personality like me you would want to seek that in a mate. A highly feminine male would have a balanced partnership with a woman who is highly feminine as well. Think Kanye West and Amber Rose. You may or may not agree with their partnership, but they bonded due to their respect for the fashion world. Kanye said he is not a car man, he rather spend money on clothes.

"To be aware of inner need is healthy, to deny inner need is unhealthy" by Deekpak Chopra. Due to societal pressures we find ourselves suppressing our inner desire to be accepted and not criticized. Needing a masculine partner I have been criticized for not being open to date nice guys. I have no issues with nice guys; I just need him to have a balance of toughness too! I finally understand what I need; every man will not have that! I am not asking the universe for every man, but one man GOD has for me! I need a leader, a protector and a provider. I need a warrior, a man who stands up for what he believes in. Am I the only one? A question: Ladies do you find yourself drawn too more masculine men? Also, men what do you think of masculine power?


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where Are You Channeling Your Energy?

I began my weight loss journey several months ago. My energy level was high when I first began. I worked out regularly, ate healthy and began working towards getting to bed on time. Then I hit a dead spot. I felt drained often. I had intense cravings for sweets and fried foods. My energy went from my personal health to what I am not doing right, my to-do list, and why I'm not able to get any rest at night. Goals I made for school did not go through. I felt the pressures of advancing my career and then the added pressure from my current career. Always feeling tired I knew something had to give. I had to focus on where I was channeling my energy.

As the seasons changed I noticed I did as well. Being self-aware I noticed I did not feel my normal energetic, positive self. Then the guilt set in. Then anxiety set in. All energy zappers! I began to crave sweets and I put off working out for one week that eventually ended up being almost a month. Exercise and diet are factors in having a well balanced life. Stop fighting the universe and align with it! The Law of attraction states that we will receive abundant living when we practice abundant living. In short, you get back what you put out. It is that simple. If you want a great body and healthy skin what are you doing to receive that? How much time do you invest in your personal well being? Where are you channeling your energy?

Your beliefs form your reality. You do not like your reality? Change your beliefs. To help shape my beliefs I placed affirmations on my mirror in my bathroom. Every time I look in the mirror I will be reminded of my personal truth. Do you have a favorite quote or an affirmation that helps you when you are not feeling your best? Post that on your mirror, door, wall, or refrigerator, whatever you know you will look at throughout the day. Our mind is a very powerful energy source for the bible says in Proverbs 23:7 (NASV) For as he thinks within himself, so he is.

Our spiritual well being helps us get through low energy times. An active prayer life and just making time for relaxation helps to renew the spirit and give us new found energy. I have gotten back in the word like I did several years ago as I was searching for my personal truth. I now study the word to nurture my soul. The life principles in the Bible give me insight on how to live my life day to day. I put my energy in being a child of GOD, a Christian whose life is a reflection of Christ's LOVE. Instead of always striving to be perfect, I have found peace with just being me. My focus has shifted from always being about my future to living each moment fulfilled day to day. I will continue to put my energy into activities I enjoy and will energize me. I will not go to places or spend time with people who zap my energy. When I want to stay home and rest on the weekends I honor that. Set your intentions to practice better habits of meditation, prayer, tasty healthy meals, getting rest and a desire to exercise. For what you put your energy into will manifest in your life!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Music Mondays: Mary Mary- Sitting With Me- (Something Big Album)

I have heard many songs that have touched me, but nothing deeper than "Sitting With Me" by Mary Mary. The second verse is about a man who is waiting for marriage to have sex. Just like me I was told it is unnatural to wait, I will miss out on life by waiting too long and no man will wait for sex until marriage. Feeling alone, I have spent many Friday nights by myself. But I am OK, I will carry the cross as long as the Lord is sitting with me! Know that you may have to spend some time alone as well. Like Apostle Paul live your life completely for GOD while you are single! While you give your heart and soul to GOD watch him answer your prayers:)

Here are the lyrics of the second verse. Enjoy!

They said he wasn't ordinary 'cause he wanted to be married
Before he let himself, be with someone else
They even said he was unnatural
What they didn't see, didn't see that he
He was much more man than they'd ever be
'Cause he was a man, of integrity
Just like me he was Mr. Unpopular,
Never asked to be part of the in-crowd
Everyone knew who he was
Cause his life screamed Jesus out loud

Yeah I've been, left out, looked over
Just for carrying the cross on my shoulder
It's okay with me, if I'm the last one who's picked for the team
I'll sit on the sideline, as long as He's sitting with me.

I know someday I'll shine, I'll wait 'til it's my time
Lord I won't move, I'll sit with you