Thursday, October 25, 2012


First of all I want to give honor and glory to God from where all my blessings flow. I am in the best space I’ve ever been in. For that alone, I say thank you Lord. A message of gratitude is what inspired my blog post. To say thank you for the support you show me when you view my blog. I want to say thank you to those who stop by and leave a message of encouragement. When we express gratitude we tell the universe we are ready for the next level. We are saying we are ready for abundance by showing gratitude for what we have in the present. The Bible says “when praises go up, blessings come down”. Being aware of our blessings allows us to vibrate at a higher level attracting what it is our heart desires. As apostle Paul has said “No matter where I am, I will praise the Lord”. No matter my condition, I will express gratitude.

This Friday is my last day at my current employer. Back in 2007, I would lay in bed and day dream about the day I could leave Oklahoma City for good. My plan was to be gone by Aug 2007 and I made goals that supported my plan. Through prayer, intention, and hard work I received a phone call to teach in July 2007 at a Head Start program in the Washington DC area. Less than a month later I packed and moved to the DC area in August of 2007! Five years later I am humble by being able to live my dream. Reflecting on my past, I am grateful for my present. Ready for the next challenge, I prayed to move on and start anew. I asked God for a new job, and change of location. Finally a breakthrough, I will begin working for my new employer this November and I will move to DC or Maryland shortly after. God is moving in my life and for that I say thank you!

Turning 35 on Tuesday, I reflected on my life. I am honored to be where I am and grateful to see another year. My cup runneth over and I want to share that over flow with the world. My heart is open and ready to give and receive love. That is where my energy will go. My intention will be set on making space for love to come in my life. I am grateful to be the reflection of the love I want to attract. When we set our intentions we live with meaning. You will then find gratitude in the smallest things. A meaningful life to me is being grateful on the journey, not just setting your eyes on the destination. In the season of thanksgiving show gratitude, express praise to our most high God and the Universe. Join me in allowing the law of abundance to work by showing gratitude.